Here is Snowy (喻春雪). I am pursuing my doctoral degree in Computational Social Science at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Happy to engage in academic conversations! My email is
M.S., Quantitative in Finance | SMU (08/2023 - 07/2024) |
M.A., Applied Economics | DUFE (09/2021 - 01/2024) |
B.E., Environmental Engineering and Accoutnting | JLU (09/2017 - 06/2021) |
Research Assistant @ Singapore Management University (02/2024 - 08/2024)
Research Assistant @ Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (01/2022 - 01/2023)
Developed machine learning models to predict corporate credit ratings using financial ratios from 2029 US firms with Python. The project compared various models, including CATBOOST, XGBOOST, and Random Forest, which outperformed traditional methods with a 91% accuracy. A novel “Notch Distance” metric was introduced to measure deviations between predicted and actual ratings, enhancing model evaluation. Additionally, extensive hyperparameter tuning using GridSearchCV, RandomizedSearchCV, and Bayesian Optimization significantly improved model performance and efficiency. The approach offers a scalable solution for timely and accurate credit rating predictions.
The project implemented multi-threading to enhance performance during the calculation of portfolio metrics, including Present Value (PV), DV01, and Vega. Design patterns were employed for trade creation, ensuring scalability and code maintainability. A PnL calculation was performed by comparing the PV between the two dates, and the portfolio’s risk was analyzed. Additionally, a strategy was designed to either square off the portfolio’s risk or maximize PnL within pre-defined DV01 and Vega limits, providing a robust framework for portfolio risk management and optimization.
Not quite there yet, but going full beast mode!